Oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04
Oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04

oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04

Remote Sensing (RS) satellite data with its synoptic view and multispectral data provides essential information in proper planning of LU/LC conditions of the larger areas. Proper management and development of these lands should be initiated to increase the land productivity, restoration of soil degradation, reclamation of wastelands, increase the environmental qualities and to meet the needs of rapidly growing population of the country.

oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04 oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04

Hydrology, plant and animal population are the results of the past and present human activity to the extent that significantly influences on present and future LU/LC system. Land is an area of the earth surface, which embraces all reasonable stable or predictably cyclic, attribute of the biosphere including the atmosphere, soil and underlying geology. Land is a non-renewable resource and mapping of LU/LC is essential for planning and development of land and water resources in a region of engineering projects under progress.

Oneplus 6 oxygen 9.04